Let's find a way to make that dream come true. Making art is a choice. You only need permission from yourself.

So let's find a way to make this happen. The first step is for you to make contact, make a little move, make a little mess.
The most delicious oil paint is pure delight in a tube. Squeeze it out. Touch it. Mush it around. See what happens when you play with its energy. How does it play with other colors? Soon you will find yourself at the water's edge.
Anyone can paint.

The ecstasy is to paint exactly from how you think and dream and feel. No shoulds. Worth repeating. NO shoulds. Quite the opposite. Follow your own lead, allow for your own sea of inspirations. A color could get you started, or shape, or an idea. Trust your own sense of what is good and right and best. No rules.

The sad fact is that a lot of people think they know what art is and what it isn't. They want to decide for the rest of us. This is the folly of the closed mind. Give them a nice hug and a warm laugh.
Just do it.
We can get you started. Help you get materials and get you having fun. Then you can just paint away! You can paint just like you. Find the painting inside you. Abstract, figurative, makes no difference. Please yourself. We count on the selfish courage of artists.

Again. There is no wrong way to paint. Just your way. Gently sit your critical voice down and put your finger to your lips and quietly say shush. Then trust every impulse you have and keep going. Be free. Let color and shape be your chariot! Let line show you the way. Don't be afraid to put things on top of each other. Be brave:)

Think of your paintings like sketches. They could be a beautiful springboard. Never be afraid of weird. En JOY!

Always remember why and what you like about painting. Permit yourself that. Paint what is inside you. Share what is inside you. Celebrate what is inside you! And then fly. Use whatever you need to help you fly. Like your fingers! Or a stick, or a piece of cardboard. Or not. But there, I have said too much!

No expectations. Again. No shoulds. Only wonder and joy. I promise you: this is possible. Let the painting lead the charge. Listen to the painting. It will guide you. I always look at my old paintings and say, ah, so that was what was going on:)
Happy Painting:)

Addison Parks
Spring Hill
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